Sunday, November 18, 2012

So Jet Lagged I Don't Even Know Any More

My lack of blogging lately is not so much related to settling in as it is to more travel.  My first week in Kampala was awesome - work is great, city is great, home is great - and was punctuated by the delivery of my UAB and HHE from Jeddah.  Quadruple YAY!!!!  Now my primary guest suite is covered in boxes, which I will make my way through as time goes on.  I finally have rearranged all the furniture where I want it, so I'm feeling good there.

But right after my first full week, I flew to Accra, Ghana for a week-long training workshop.  I was super excited for this training, and it was completely awesome, and it was fun to see Ghana, but...  I started really missing Kampala by about Thursday.  I missed my kitties and my bed and my clothes coming from somewhere other than a suitcase.

That's when I realized I've been in transition since mid-July.  That's a long time.  And I think I just met my limit.

Not to mention the jet lag - still overcoming the 8 hour transition to Kampala, then add in a minus 3 transition to Accra and then plus 3 back to Kampala.  *Mind explodes at complexity*

So arriving home today was blissful.  Even after a red-eye flight and a sleepless night.  And the tiring exercise of lugging my 26kg suitcase stuffed with goodies from Ghana up 38 stairs.  My cats greeted me at the door - well cared for by my awesome new housekeeper.  I took a four hour nap and feel slightly more human now.  It's time to eat the awesome ready-made dinner (chicken, stir fried vegetables, cabbage and kale, and fruit salad) left by my housekeeper and get a good night's sleep.

Photos and stories to come, from Uganda and Ghana!

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